Error codes for air conditioners Bork (Bork) - decryption and instructions

Error codes for air conditioners Bork (Bork) - decryption and instructionsIf a system failure is detected, the error codes of Bork air conditioners are displayed on the front panel of the outdoor unit. Codes are a combination of flashing and luminous multi-colored LEDs.

Decoding errors air conditioners Bork Error Code Air Conditioner Bork Diode 1 Diode 2 Diode 3
Bork Air Conditioner Error Rise and Drop Pressure Violation blinks blinks Blinks
Refrigerant cooling in heat mode Glows Glows
Compressor temperature rise Glows Glows
Too weak voltage in the system Glows
Bork Air Conditioner Error: Engine Speed ​​Corrected Glows Glows Glows
The outdoor unit is protected against overload Glows Blinks

If the compressor does not turn on, the outdoor unit LEDs show the following error codes for Bork air conditioners

Decoding error conditioner Bork Diode 1 Diode 2 Diode 3
Works fine
Short circuit in the room temperature sensor Glows
Short circuit of the temperature sensor of the internal heat exchanger Glows
Errors Bork conditioners: Short circuit compressor temperature sensor Glows
The function of the temperature sensor of the external heat exchanger is impaired Glows Glows
The function of the outdoor temperature sensor is impaired Glows Glows
Power failure Blinks Glows
The power supply to the outdoor unit is interrupted. Blinks Glows
No communication between indoor and outdoor units Blinks
Overvoltage protection enabled Blinks
Errors Bork conditioners: Maximum current control Glows Blinks Glows
Equipment disconnected due to overload Glows Blinks
Compressor temperature exceeded Blinks Glows
Current monitoring of the outdoor and indoor units shuts down the system Glows Glows Blinks
Ambient temperature higher or lower than planned by the manufacturer Glows Blinks Blinks
Refrigerant leak Blinks Glows Glows
Compressor overheating Glows Blinks
Incorrect operation of the outdoor unit Glows Glows Glows
Incorrect operation of the indoor unit motor Blinks Blinks
Control board message broken Glows Glows
Compressor stopped due to error Blinks Blinks
Fan breakdown Blinks Blinks Glows
Outdoor unit compressor overheated Glows Blinks Glows

In order to start the self-diagnosis function, press the POWER button four times in ten seconds and the error codes of the Bork air conditioner will be displayed.


