Calculation and determination of the power of the air conditioner by area

Cooling capacity is one of the most important characteristics of climate technology. It depends on it the area of ​​the room that will be served. Therefore, the calculation of the power of the air conditioner by area is mandatory.

Air conditioner power calculation

Calculation and determination of the power of the air conditioner by areaTo approximately calculate the power of the air conditioner, it should be 10 square meters. meters of space to take 1 kilowatt of cooling power. The proportion is valid if the height of the room is not more than 3 meters. An error of up to 15% is allowed in both directions.

That is, if the area of ​​the room is 18 square meters. meters, air conditioning with a cooling capacity of 2 kilowatts is suitable. For a room of 50 square meters. meters needed power of 5 kilowatts and so on.

This calculation of the power of the air conditioner does not take into account the radiation of heat from windows, household or office equipment, people. Therefore, it is very approximate. It is useful only to buyers who are afraid to be cheated in a store or purchasing air conditioning for a small standard living space.

If the equipment is necessary for an office, a store, a residential cottage, a room with panoramic glazing, ventilation, the question of how to determine the power of the air conditioner must be decided by a specialist.

Formula for calculating the power of an air conditioner

The known formula for calculating the power of the air conditioner. It takes into account the radiation of heat, the height of the room and even the heat received from the sun. Using this formula, you can calculate the power of the air conditioner for an apartment located in a standard stone house.

The error in this case will not be too large. About the same accuracy is provided by the forms of calculating the power of air conditioners online.

Q = S*H*k

hereS - the area of ​​the room in square meters,N - ceiling height in meters,k - coefficient determined depending on the intensity of solar radiation: 40 - for the south side, 30 - for the north side (or very shaded), 35 - an intermediate option.

When determining the power of an air conditioner, how to take into account the heat radiation by people and equipment, which is also quite large:

  • while sleeping, reading or watching TV, a person emits 100 watts of heat hourly;
  • during intense physical exertion - 250 watts;
  • to calculate the heat radiated by electrical appliances, the maximum power should be divided by 3.

But the formula is only good for calculating the power of an air conditioner by the area of ​​the capital structure. When the room has a glass roof or it is necessary to condition the stall from light portable structures, you should contact a specialist, and the formula used in calculating the power of air conditioners online will not help.


