The cost of geothermal heating and the price of its installation

The low popularity of geothermal heating in the post-Soviet countries is due, among other things, to the high cost of equipment and installation. Geothermal heating price significantly exceeds any other type of heating system.

Turnkey geothermal heating, price

An example of geothermal home heating
An example of geothermal home heating

Turnkey geothermal heating installation is carried out only by specialized companies. This is one of the factors affecting the price. To ensure the effective operation of the system in the future, it is necessary to conduct competent calculations. The price of geothermal heating consists of the following positions:

  • Heat pump price;
  • The cost of excavation;
  • The cost of installing pipes to the reservoir;
  • The cost of pipes and fittings.

Systems exist that combine heat pumps with solar panels. This combination allows you to achieve the maximum reduction in the price of heating. But the price of a solar collector is added to the cost of geothermal heating.

Price of accessories for geothermal heating

The price of a heat pump depends on its capacity. The most inexpensive model, with a capacity of 5 kilowatts, will cost about 87 thousand rubles. The price does not include installation. With an increase in pump power up to 8 kilowatts, its price rises to 122 thousand rubles. A pump with an output of 11 kilowatts costs 170 thousand, and a sixteen-kilowatt pulls 230 thousand rubles. Installation of the pump will cost about 15 thousand rubles.

Installation of one square meter of underfloor heating will cost from 2.5 thousand rubles.

Drilling a well without the price of a pipe from 1 thousand rubles per linear meter.

Most villa owners prefer to order turnkey geothermal heating. The cost of installing equipment for the house is 80 sq. meters - 350 thousand rubles.

Installation of geothermal heating for a cottage of 100 square meters. meters - 440 thousand rubles.

Installation with installation in the house of 130 square meters. meters will cost 520 thousand rubles.

The cost of geothermal heating at home up to 220 square meters. meters - 750 thousand rubles. By the way, the systems provide for providing residents with warm water.

Installation of geothermal heating will cost significantly less to owners of houses located on the banks of a large non-freezing reservoir.

So, installing a system at 5.6 kilowatts will cost 310 thousand rubles. A capacity of 15 kilowatts of 635 thousand rubles.

Pipes can be extended no further than 50 meters from the house. Geothermal systems with a water circuit are considered more efficient, since water has better heat transfer than soil.


